nobody gives fucking shit about me.. that's nice...
it's so funny... i kind of wanna put myself in hell rigght away...skip this part..ok, that's not true at all...i just want nothing... i want NOTHING so bad that it actually hurts...why can't i be the caree is free irish guy singing all the time??? 21 and your lifffffffffff
everybody knows what i should do except me... everybody knows how i should live my life, what and i should love...except me...
once and for all lonely and desperate like a vicious circle running around chasing the dog's tail like fryday never gonna come not even speaking of the weekend did you know that there are trenty zillions of phonematic sounds shaking up our inner universe every nanoseconds that's right hillibillis nothing's gonaa... wait a sec once i thought to be able to change here i am forever twenty one is supposed to be a good brand the summer sales are just starting but no money no time no appetite i ahave eaten so much in the past couple of days cumulated stress no sleep nausea headaches every morning going on about almost three weeks now i am weak and lonely and the more i say it more true it can get i don't want to be with nobody and i desperetely want somebody or anybodywriting is giving a part of youself i am tired of giving all teh time so i have turned into this selfish monster who doesn't give shit about anything or anyoniously e not even its just a big humongous fish without any spanish knowledge whatsoever although composing mails with google translator is fun hileriously thrilling experience DoNtStOpBeLiEvInG...gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee csajoknak akik be sem tették a lábukat a konyhába számok futnak át a szemem eőtt mátrix? no way i miss my old szelf hiányoznak a bálnák boston partjairól a szél why can't i look pretty or why did i had to think that i did onec? life is full of lies and living is the somebody else's could still change it if you wern't such a jerk and so weak all the wonderful poosssibillittiiies are crushing me down...all teh unused potential unexpressed felling unrequited love... all teh lost moment floting in th ewind to never evr come back from hawai i have many pictures in my mind of a college dropout you can still decide my mummmyy says i should work why don't i go out on the streets to be a prostitute for that sense slthough no need for that schooo bce is could be a perfect place for that i am always hungry for more and i do not have appatite any more greeeey evrything is grey iam soooo fed up with this mess, it really sucks to spend 24hrs 7days a week with someone you loath....torokfájás mandulagyulla suck tdás why am i torturing myself all the suck to have a rock coming down on you all the time like sisifus wierdo nerd il ove this positive energy isn't it nice to have such openly gay peole all around you all the time no punintended why why why the road not taken there two roads diverds in the yellow wood ...memories la sagra de familia barcelona montreal and australia with its nice ozonlyuk thats just getting bigger and bigger but whou the fuch sxchould car ewhen 2012 is ..END of teh world apokaliszos mist shakespeare sárga telefon i wish i knew some fany cy words just the ones taht i should but i dont stop wasting your time and emotiosns little girl im just about ti
Merkasz 2011.07.03. 20:02:52
Mikor találkozunk???